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Course Listing: CONTEM ISSUES IN PUBLIC AFFFall 2010, Bloomington |
SPEA-V 450 CONTEM ISSUES IN PUBLIC AFF (3 CR) VT: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CLSD 22294 04:00P-05:15P TR PY 226 Schneller P 80 0 0 Above class meets with SPEA-V 462 VT: INTL NGO MGMT COMPRTV PERSPCTV 16116 04:00P-05:15P MW PV 163 Brass J 40 22 0 TOPIC : International NGO Management in Comparative Perspective Above class meets with SPEA-V 534 VT: CLIMATE CHANGE AND ELECTRICITY 22295 09:30A-10:45A TR SY 006 Clark J 30 22 0 TOPIC : Climate Change and Electricity VT: ENVIRONMENTAL LAW & REGULATION 16117 05:45P-07:00P MW GY 126 Cox D 63 1 0 Above class meets with SPEA-E 476 VT: POLITICAL ECON & PUBLIC POLICY 22296 02:30P-03:45P TR BH 006 Karaagac J 60 51 0 TOPIC : Political Economy and Public Policy VT: AMER. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 18166 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 208 Coyle G 5 3 0 Above class open to Hutton Honors College students only Above class meets with another SPEA-V 450 class VT: U.S. FRGN POLCY&3RD WRLD REGMS 22297 04:00P-05:15P TR LH 019 Afoaku O 20 16 0 TOPIC : U.S. Foreign Policy and Third World Regimes: Patron-Client Rapport in the International Sphere Above class meets with SPEA-V 550 VT: LDRSHP/CREAT IN ENVIRON POLICY 30397 09:30A-10:45A TR SE 240 Waldron C 45 32 0 Above class meets with SPEA-E 400 VT: PLCY PRCESSES-US FED AGENCIES 16118 PERM ARR ARR ARR McLean D 52 28 0 Above class Washington Leadership Program students only Above class meets with SPEA-V 378 and SPEA-S 378 VT: CONSERVATION FOR 21ST CENTURY 30369 PERM 02:30P-03:45P TR TV 180 Meretsky V 30 16 0 Above class prerequisite - an upper division course in ecology, conservation biology, or natural resource management Above class requires permission of instructor Above class meets with SPEA-E 400, E 555, E 550 and E 710 VT: AMER. INTELLIGENCE COMMUNITY 16886 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 208 Coyle G 20 2 1 A portion of the above class open to SPEA juniors and SPEA seniors A portion of the above class reserved for SPEA Honors and Hutton Honors students Above class meets with another SPEA-V 450 class VT: INSIDE COMMUNITY ARTS ORGANZTN 20953 02:30P-03:45P TR JH A106 Herzig M 50 19 0 Above class meets with SPEA-A 241 VT: CONTROVERSIES IN ENVIR HEALTH 19505 07:00P-09:30P MW PV 277 Crouch G 57 19 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with SPEA-E 400 and H 455 VT: ADVOCACY, COMM SERV & SOC CHNG 30398 09:30A-10:45A MW PV 273 Libby A 26 21 0 TOPIC : Advocacy, Community Service and Social Change Above class is a Service Learning Course VT: INTRODUCTION TO URBAN PLANNING 30375 04:00P-05:15P MW BH 217 Nierzwicki Jr F 45 25 0 Above class meets with SPEA-V 550 VT: EUROPEAN UNION ON WORLD STAGE 30373 01:00P-02:15P MW PV 273 Grau M 26 14 0 TOPIC : The European Union on the World Stage Above class meets with SPEA-V 550 VT: INTL ORGS & GLOBAL AGENDAS 30374 04:00P-05:15P MW PV 275 Grau M 21 9 0 Above class meets with SPEA-V 550 VT: AFRICAN POLITICAL ECONOMY 30376 05:30P-07:30P W WH 218 Afoaku O 8 6 0 Above class meets with SPEA-V 550 and AFRI-A 731 VT: CIVIL SOCIETY & PUBLIC POLICY 31968 02:30P-03:45P MW PV 163 Baggetta M 45 37 0 Above class meets with SPEA-V 523