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Course Listing: NURSING MANAGEMENTFall 2010, Bloomington |
NURS-S 481 NURSING MANAGEMENT (2 CR) VT: NURSING MANAGEMENT-RN BSN 21080 PERM ARR ARR ARR Wonder A 20 12 0 Above class open to RN-BSN students only Above class for information contact Prof. Feather at Above class taught via World Wide Web Above class requires permission of Department S 481 : Registration deadline is Aug 1, 2010, for this class NURS-S 481 NURSING MANAGEMENT (2 CR) 27554 ARR ARR ARR Feather R 65 6 0 Above class taught via the World Wide Web Above class for information contact Rebecca Feather at Above class all Semester VII students enroll in NURS-S 470, S 474, S 481