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Course Listing: INTRO TO MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHYFall 2010, Bloomington |
MUS-M 539 INTRO TO MUSIC BIBLIOGRAPHY (2-3 CR) 14851 RSTR 09:05A-10:20A TR M 267 Ponella P 25 8 0 Majors in Musicology Music Theory and Music Librarian degrees should enroll in the other section of this course, MUS-M 539, 28016. If the above class is full, students may join a School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request Music majors should take above class for 2 credit hours 28016 RSTR 04:00P-06:30P R M 263 Cochran K 12 6 0 NOTE: This class section is open to Musicology, Music Theory, and MLS degree students only. All others should enroll in the other section, MUS-M 539, 14851. If the above class is full, students may join a School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request M 539 : Music majors should take above class for 2 credit hours