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Course Listing: SEMINAR IN HEALTH EDUCATIONFall 2010, Bloomington |
HPER-H 617 SEMINAR IN HEALTH EDUCATION (1-3 CR) VT: RSRCH SEMINAR IN SEXUAL HEALTH 16718 PERM ARR ARR ARR Reece M 10 7 0 Above class authorization of instructor required ( VT: RESEARCH, DESIGN & METHODS 18533 PERM ARR ARR ARR Seo D 10 10 0 Above class authorization of instructor required ( VT: PUBLIC HEALTH IN AFRICA 20332 PERM ARR ARR ARR Reece M 10 10 0 Above class authorization of instructor required ( VT: DOC SEM:HEALTH BEHAVIOR CHANGE 20989 PERM ARR ARR ARR Middlestadt S 5 1 0 TOPIC : Doctoral Seminar in Health Behavior Change H 617 : Permission of instructor required, VT: DATA MINING UTILIZING SAS APPL 21553 PERM 02:30P-03:45P TR HP 154 Youssefagha A 25 25 0 TOPIC : Data Mining Utilizing SAS Applications Above class permission of instructor required ( HPER-H 617 SEMINAR IN HEALTH EDUCATION (3 CR) VT: CULTURE AND HEALTH 31345 02:30P-04:30P M MG 195 Obeng C 15 15 0 HPER-H 617 SEMINAR IN HEALTH EDUCATION (1-3 CR) VT: DOCTORAL SEMINAR 35120 PERM ARR ARR ARR Reece M 10 8 0 Above class requires permission of instructor (