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Course Listing: ISSUES IN UNITED STATES HISTFall 2010, Bloomington |
HIST-A 300 ISSUES IN UNITED STATES HIST (3 CR) VT: IMMIGRANT NATIONS 28323 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P TR BH 139 Wolf J 35 2 0 TOPIC : Immigrant Nations: Latinos and the Politics of Citizenship Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA's only A portion of the above class reserved for majors Above class meets with LATS-L 396 VT: SEX, LIES, AND DIARIES 28324 RSTR 02:30P-03:45P TR BH 204 Myers A 75 8 1 TOPIC : Sex, Lies, and Diaries: Untold Southern Stories Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA's only A portion of the above class reserved for majors Above class meets with GNDR-G 302 and AMST-A 350 VT: INSURG SOUTH:CIVIL WAR-PRESENT 28340 RSTR 04:00P-06:00P R BU 411 Smith A 20 4 0 TOPIC : The Insurgent South: Radicalism and Social Reform Movements in the American South from the Civil War to Present Above class open to undergraduates and Education MA's only A portion of the above class reserved for majors