University Course Browser |
Course Listing: ORIENTATION TO COLLEGE LIFEFall 2010, Bloomington |
EDUC-U 206 ORIENTATION TO COLLEGE LIFE (2 CR) 31482 ARR ARR ARR Woodring R 25 11 0 Above class taught online Above class meets first eight weeks only EDUC-U 206 ORIENTATION TO COLLEGE LIFE (2 CR) 30468 09:30A-11:00A MW TE F260 Stockton T 25 13 0 Fougere J Above class meets first eight weeks only VT: FIRST YEAR VETERAN'S EXP 32537 PERM 05:30P-08:30P T MN 003 Summerlot J 20 18 0 TOPIC : First Year Veteran's Experience Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class authorization contact or Above class specifically designed to support the transition of veterans and military service members to higher education and draw upon their experiences to aid in planning their collegiate experience.