University Course Browser |
Course Listing: TOPIC SEM IN EDUC PSYCHOLOGYFall 2010, Bloomington |
EDUC-P 650 TOPIC SEM IN EDUC PSYCHOLOGY (1-2 CR) VT: COLLEGE TCHG AND INSTRUCTION 20659 ARR ARR ARR Gray C 16 7 0 TOPIC : College Teaching and Instruction Above class for associate instructors teaching EDUC-F 200 or G 203 Above class open to graduates only 18501 09:30A-11:00A F ED 1250 Stright A 20 6 0 Above class for Associate Instructors teaching EDUC-P 251, P 254, P 312, P 248, P 313, P 314, P 348 and P 450.