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Course Listing: READINGS AND RES IN PSYCHOLOGYFall 2010, Bloomington |
PSY-P 495 READINGS AND RES IN PSYCHOLOGY (1-3 CR) VT: READINGS & RES IN PSYCHOLOGY Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15865 PERM ARR ARR ARR Alberts J 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15866 PERM ARR ARR ARR Bates J 20 12 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15867 PERM ARR ARR ARR Bertenthal B 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15868 PERM ARR ARR ARR Bingham G 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15869 PERM ARR ARR ARR Bradshaw H 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 15870 PERM ARR ARR ARR Brehm S 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 20247 PERM ARR ARR ARR Brown J 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28294 PERM ARR ARR ARR Busemeyer J 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28295 PERM ARR ARR ARR Busey T 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28299 PERM ARR ARR ARR Craig J 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28300 PERM ARR ARR ARR D'Onofrio B 20 19 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 31186 PERM ARR ARR ARR Farley J 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28302 PERM ARR ARR ARR Finn P 20 19 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28303 PERM ARR ARR ARR Garraghty P 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28304 PERM ARR ARR ARR Gold J 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28305 PERM ARR ARR ARR Goldstone R 20 14 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28306 PERM ARR ARR ARR Heiman J 20 19 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28307 PERM ARR ARR ARR Hetrick W 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28308 PERM ARR ARR ARR Hirt E 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28309 PERM ARR ARR ARR Holtzworth-Munroe A 20 18 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28325 PERM ARR ARR ARR James K 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28326 PERM ARR ARR ARR James T 20 19 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28327 PERM ARR ARR ARR Jones M 20 19 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28328 PERM ARR ARR ARR Jones S 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28329 PERM ARR ARR ARR Kruschke J 20 16 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28330 PERM ARR ARR ARR Lai C 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28331 PERM ARR ARR ARR Mackie K 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28332 PERM ARR ARR ARR Newman S 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28333 PERM ARR ARR ARR Nosofsky R 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28334 PERM ARR ARR ARR O'donnell B 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28335 PERM ARR ARR ARR Pessoa L 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28336 PERM ARR ARR ARR Pisoni D 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlined at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 28337 PERM ARR ARR ARR Prieto A 20 20 0 P 495 : P - Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior Standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30522 PERM ARR ARR ARR Puce A 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30523 PERM ARR ARR ARR Rebec G 20 19 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30524 PERM ARR ARR ARR Rydell R 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30525 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sengelaub D 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30526 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sherman S 20 19 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30527 PERM ARR ARR ARR Shiffrin R 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30528 PERM ARR ARR ARR Smith E 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30529 PERM ARR ARR ARR Smith L 20 19 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30530 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sporns O 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30531 PERM ARR ARR ARR Timberlake W 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30532 PERM ARR ARR ARR Todd P 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30533 PERM ARR ARR ARR Townsend J 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30534 PERM ARR ARR ARR Viken R 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30535 PERM ARR ARR ARR Wasserman S 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30536 PERM ARR ARR ARR Wellman C 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30537 PERM ARR ARR ARR West M 20 17 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30538 PERM ARR ARR ARR Yu C 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30539 PERM ARR ARR ARR Hoffman C 20 19 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30540 PERM ARR ARR ARR Motz B 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30541 PERM ARR ARR ARR Roberts A 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30542 PERM ARR ARR ARR Sinex L 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30543 PERM ARR ARR ARR Thomassen L 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only 30544 PERM ARR ARR ARR Thompson S 20 20 0 Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30545 PERM ARR ARR ARR Vlachos-Weber I 20 19 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only Obtain permission by following the steps outlines at HTTP://PSYCH.INDIANA.EDU/UNDERGRAD/RESEARCH/RESEARCH.ASP 30546 PERM ARR ARR ARR 20 20 0 P 495 : P- Written consent of instructor; Junior or Senior standing Above class graded on S/F basis only TOPIC : General section. If the person with whom you are conducting research is not listed above, use this class number. At the end of the semester, the faculty member must report the final grade to the department or a grade of Incomplete will be assigned.