University Course Browser |
Course Listing: INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY 2Fall 2010, Bloomington |
PSY-P 102 INTRODUCTORY PSYCHOLOGY 2 (3 CR) 15830 02:30P-03:45P TR PY 100 Matthew M 255 1 1 P 102 : P - PSY-P 101 or P 151 Forest, Read, Willkie residents are encouraged to register in above class P 102 : Credit not given for both PSY-P 102 and P 152 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule 15831 09:30A-10:45A TR PY 100 Finn P 255 5 2 P 102 : P - PSY-P 101 or P 151 Broscoe, Foster, McNutt residents are encouraged to register in above class P 102 : Credit not given for both PSY-P 102 and P 152 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule 19408 10:10A-11:00A MWF PY 100 Vlachos-Weber I 255 2 5 P 102 : P - PSY-P 101 or P 151 P 102 : Credit not given for both PSY-P 102 and P 152 ++Students must avoid Final Exam conflicts-See Exam Schedule