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Course Listing: MUSIC THEORY & LITERATURE IFall 2010, Bloomington |
MUS-T 151 MUSIC THEORY & LITERATURE I (3 CR) For a description and schedule of the Basic Musicianship Test, see: HTTP://WWW.MUSIC.INDIANA.EDU/DEPARTMENT/THEORY/OFC/BMT.SHTML ***** PERM 08:00A-08:50A MWF M 015 Adams K 120 26 0 T 151 : P - MUS-T 109 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent; score of 70% or higher on Basic Musicianship Test; score of 50%-69% on Basic Musicianship Test and concurrent enrollment in MUS-T 109; or consent of instructor Drill (DRL) 15107 PERM 08:00A-08:50A TR M 294 Adams K 15 1 0 CLSD 15108 PERM 08:00A-08:50A TR M 296 Adams K 0 0 0 15109 PERM 09:05A-09:55A TR M 294 Adams K 15 1 0 15110 PERM 09:05A-09:55A TR M 296 Adams K 15 2 0 CLSD 15112 PERM 09:05A-09:55A TR M 005 Adams K 0 0 0 15111 PERM 10:10A-11:00A TR M 296 Adams K 15 2 0 15113 PERM 11:15A-12:05P TR M 294 Adams K 15 2 0 15114 PERM 12:20P-01:10P TR M 294 Adams K 15 1 0 15115 PERM 01:25P-02:15P TR M 294 Adams K 15 10 0 15116 PERM 02:30P-03:20P TR M 294 Adams K 15 7 0 MUS-T 151 MUSIC THEORY & LITERATURE I (3 CR) For a description and schedule of the Basic Musicianship Test, see: HTTP://WWW.MUSIC.INDIANA.EDU/DEPARTMENT/THEORY/OFC/BMT.SHTML ***** PERM 09:05A-09:55A MWF M 015 Adams K 150 43 0 T 151 : P - MUS-T 109 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent; score of 70% or higher on Basic Musicianship Test; score of 50%-69% on Basic Musicianship Test and concurrent enrollment in MUS-T 109; or consent of instructor Drill (DRL) 15118 PERM 08:00A-08:50A TR M 298 Adams K 15 1 0 15119 PERM 09:05A-09:55A TR M 298 Adams K 15 1 1 15120 PERM 10:10A-11:00A TR M 298 Adams K 15 2 0 15121 PERM 11:15A-12:05P TR M 296 Adams K 15 3 0 15122 PERM 11:15A-12:05P TR M 298 Adams K 15 1 0 15123 PERM 12:20P-01:10P TR M 296 Adams K 15 3 0 15124 PERM 12:20P-01:10P TR M 298 Adams K 15 11 0 15125 PERM 01:25P-02:15P TR M 296 Adams K 15 6 0 15126 PERM 01:25P-02:15P TR M 298 Adams K 15 10 0 15127 PERM 02:30P-03:20P TR M 296 Adams K 15 5 0