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Course Listing: TPCS IN PERFORMANCE & CULTUREFall 2010, Bloomington |
CMCL-C 414 TPCS IN PERFORMANCE & CULTURE (3 CR) 21389 11:15A-12:30P TR C2 203 Seizer S 30 14 0 07:15P-10:15P W LH 102 Seizer S TOPIC : India, Lost and Found in Translation. Above class films shown Weds, 7:15-10:15p Above class meets with GNDR-G 402 and INST-I 414 VT: EXPERIMENTAL FILM 27836 01:00P-02:15P TR BH 247 Hain M 35 10 0 07:15P-10:15P W WY 015 Hain M TOPIC : Experimental Film, Theater and Performance Art Above class films shown Weds, 7:15-10:15p