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Course Listing: CURR TOPICS IN COMM & CULTUREFall 2010, Bloomington |
CMCL-C 334 CURR TOPICS IN COMM & CULTURE (3 CR) VT: MAKING THE LITERAL VISUAL 11767 RSTR 11:15A-12:30P TR WH 109 Bowdre K 25 1 5 07:15P-10:15P W C2 100 Bowdre K TOPIC : Making the Literal Visual - Film Adaptations Above class films shown 7:15-10:15p Wednesdays Above class COLL Intensive Writing section A portion of the above class reserved for majors VT: RHETORICS OF THE MARKET 20651 02:30P-03:45P MW C2 100 Kaplan M 35 8 1 TOPIC : Rhetorics of the Market