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Course Listing: BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMSFall 2010, Bloomington |
BIOL-L 112 BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS (3 CR) ***** 10:10A-11:00A MWF JH 124 Zolan M 197 12 0 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry L 112 : Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, L 104, E 112, L 112, S 115, or Q 201. Preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores only Above class requires evening exams from 7-9pm on Mondays, Sep 27, Oct 25 and Nov 22 Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 Students should also plan to participate in at least four Monday night programs from 7-9p. ***** 10:10A-11:00A MWF JH 124 Zolan M 118 2 7 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry L 112 : Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, L 104, E 112, L 112, S 115, or Q 201 Above class open to all students Above class requires evening exams from 7-9pm on Mondays, Sep 27, Oct 25 and Nov 22 Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 Students should also plan to participate in at least four Monday night programs from 7-9p. Discussion (DIS) CLSD 18183 03:35P-04:25P T BH 240 Zolan M 25 0 3 CLSD 18184 03:35P-04:25P T SY 108 Zolan M 25 0 3 18185 04:40P-05:30P T JH A105 Zolan M 25 3 1 CLSD 18186 04:40P-05:30P T JH 248 Zolan M 25 0 0 18187 07:00P-07:50P T JH A105 Zolan M 30 2 0 18188 03:35P-04:25P W BH 335 Zolan M 25 1 1 CLSD 18189 03:35P-04:25P W JH 248 Zolan M 25 0 0 CLSD 18190 04:40P-05:30P W BH 335 Zolan M 25 0 1 18191 07:00P-07:50P W JH A105 Zolan M 25 1 0 18192 03:35P-04:25P R JH A105 Zolan M 30 4 0 18194 04:40P-05:30P R JH A105 Zolan M 34 6 0 18193 05:45P-06:35P R BH 335 Zolan M 25 2 0 BIOL-L 112 BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS (3 CR) 10936 11:15A-12:30P TR JH 124 Ruesink A 260 51 0 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry Above class for Biological and other science majors, preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores only L 112 : Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, L 104, L 112, E 112, S 115, or Q 201. In addition, students are required to attend a one hour per week learning group (times to be arranged) Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 16889 11:15A-12:30P TR JH 124 Ruesink A 55 9 0 Above class open to all students Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112