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Course Listing: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2Summer 2010, Bloomington |
CHEM-C 344 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY 2 (2 CR) 6623 SS2 10:30A-11:20A TR CH 033 Pellerito A 32 15 0 C 344 : P - CHEM-C 342 or S 342 and C 343 or S 343 C 344 : For further laboratory safety information see: HTTP://CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP Above class requires special fee - See fee page Discussion (DIS) 6624 SS2 11:30A-12:20P TR CH 033 Pellerito A 32 15 0 C 344 : P - CHEM-C 342 or S 342 and C 343 or S 343 Laboratory (LAB) 6625 SS2 12:30P-05:30P MW CH 145 Shah A 16 11 0 C 344 : P - CHEM-C 342 or S 342 and C 343 or S 343 6626 SS2 12:30P-05:30P TR CH 145 Tipping J 16 4 0 C 344 : P - CHEM-C 342 or S 342 and C 343 or S 343