University Course Browser |
Course Listing: ADV CENTRAL EURASN LANGUAGES ISummer 2010, Bloomington |
CEUS-T 798 ADV CENTRAL EURASN LANGUAGES I (3 CR) VT: ADVANCED TAJIK I 12685 SS2 08:30A-12:20P D SY 001 Nekbakhtshoev N 16 14 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class requires application and registration through SWSEEL, Above class meets with CEUS-T 398, T 399, T 799 VT: ADVANCED DARI I 13924 SS2 08:30A-12:20P D BH 205 ZAMANI A 30 26 0 TOPIC : Advanced Dari I Above class open to graduates only Students who completed Intermediate Persian (Farsi) with a grade of 3.0 or above may enroll in this Dari class. Above application requires application and registration through SWSEEL, Above class meets with CEUS-T 398, T 399, T 799