University Course Browser |
Course Listing: AFRICAN AMERICAN AUTOBIOGRAPHYSpring 2010, Bloomington |
AAAD-A 249 AFRICAN AMERICAN AUTOBIOGRAPHY (3 CR) 29416 05:45P-08:15P T BH 015 Drieling C 14 1 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class carries Culture Studies credit Above class is NOT a COLL Intensive Writing section Above class meets with another AAAD-A 249 34063 PERM 05:45P-08:15P T BH 015 Drieling C 11 1 0 Above class COLL Intensive Writing section Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class carries Culture Studies credit Above class meets with another AAAD-A 249