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Course Listing: GLOBAL VILLAGE COLLOQUIUMFall 2009, Bloomington |
GLLC-G 210 GLOBAL VILLAGE COLLOQUIUM (3 CR) VT: VAMPIRES-EUROPEAN/AMER CULTURE CLSD 28148 01:00P-02:15P TR FQ 012B Holdeman J 10 0 0 TOPIC : Vampires in European and American Culture Above class fulfills the College Topics requirement Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class meets in the Global Village in Foster Martin Above class meets with HON-H 203 VT: GLOBAL JAZZ 28686 11:15A-12:05P MWF FQ 012A Schauert P 20 10 0 TOPIC : Global Jazz Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class meets in the Global Village in Foster Martin