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Course Listing: TECHNIQUES IN TEXTBOOK READINGFall 2009, Bloomington |
EDUC-X 101 TECHNIQUES IN TEXTBOOK READING (2 CR) VT: LEARNING STRAT FOR BUSINESS 2846 PERM 09:30A-10:45A TR SY 200 McGInn A 19 6 0 Above class for Groups students only Above class obtain on-line authorization from the Student Academic Center, 316 N. Jordan, 855-7313 Above class students must be co-enrolled in a section of Bus-X 100 taught by Prof. Kanning Above class students may not take two SAC courses concurrently unless noted VT: LEARNING STRAT FOR BUSINESS 30781 PERM 02:30P-03:45P MW SK 104 McGInn A 19 15 0 Above class students must be co-enrolled in a BUS-X 100 taught by Prof Kanning Above class for Groups students and 21st Century Scholars only VT: LEARNING STRATEGIES FOR MATH 2848 04:00P-05:15P TR SK 104 Zambrano M 24 13 0 Above class students must enroll concurrently in any section of MATH-M 118 at IU Bloomington Above class please note: Any student who drops MATH-M 118 must also drop this course Above class does not require a discussion Above class students may not take two SAC courses concurrently unless noted VT: LEARNING FOR STRAT FOR MATH 2849 09:30A-10:45A MW SK 104 Zambrano M 24 13 1 Above class students must enroll concurrently in any section of MATH-M 118 at IU Bloomington Above class please note: Any student who drops MATH-M 118 must also drop this course Above class does not require a discussion Above class students may not take two SAC courses concurrently unless noted