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Course Listing: PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOPFall 2009, Bloomington |
EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: ART IN THE K-12 CLASSROOM 2840 PERM ARR ARR ARR Reagan-Spalding R 20 18 0 Above class offered on the world wide web. For more information, visit website HTTP://EDUCATION.INDIANA.EDU/~DISTED/. For authorization, e-mail VT: CREATIVE WRITING FOR EDUCATORS 2841 PERM ARR ARR ARR Watson T 15 11 0 Above class offered on the world wide web. For more information, visit website HTTP://EDUCATION.INDIANA.EDU/~DISTED/. For authorization, e-mail VT: CREATIVE WRTG FOR EDUCATORS II 2842 PERM ARR ARR ARR Watson T 15 14 0 Above class offered on the world wide web. For more information, visit website HTTP://EDUCATION.INDIANA.EDU/~DISTED/. For authorization, e-mail EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY 12992 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class SCIE520 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email TOPIC : Teaching High School Biology VT: GLOBAL EXPLORATION FOR EDUC 34679 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 14 0 Above class for Special Registration only Above class authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-3 CR) VT: CAPTURING KIDS HEARTS 7613 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 11 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: LEADING THE WAY 7614 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: COPING W/ HIGH-STAKES TESTING 7615 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: CURR MANAGEMENT AUDIT LEVEL 1 7616 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 29 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: CURR MANAGEMENT AUDIT LEVEL 2 7617 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 29 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: CURR MANAGEMENT AUDIT LEVEL 3 7618 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-2 CR) VT: CLASSROOM WALK-THROUGHS 7619 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 28 0 Above class for Special Registration only EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-3 CR) VT: FLIPPEN LEADERSHIP SERIES 1 7620 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 29 0 Above class for Special Registration only VT: FLIPPEN LEADERSHIP SERIES 2 7621 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: WE DELIVER TRAININGS 7622 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-2 CR) VT: 50 WAYS TO CLOSE ACHIEVMNT GAP 7623 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 30 30 0 Above class for Special Registration only EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: INTERNET IN THE K-12 CLASSROOM 8124 PERM ARR ARR ARR Millard M 20 20 0 Above class taught online Above class for authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: TRENDS AND ISSUES IN MATH EDUC 8324 PERM ARR ARR ARR Kloosterman P 15 15 0 Above class for Special Registration only Above class for authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: CREAT UNIT SUPP DIFF LRN STYLE 8349 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 49 0 Above class INST 120, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: BLDG CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS 8350 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 49 0 Above class INST 125, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CURRICULUM MAPPING I 8351 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class INST 300, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CURRICULUM MAPPING II 8352 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class INST 305, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: INQUIRY-BASED LRNG IN CLASSRM 8353 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class INST 310, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CONN FAMILY COMM AND SCHLS 8354 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 49 0 Above class INST 320, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: INTERNET IN K-2 LANG ARTS CURR 8355 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 120, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CHILDREN'S AUTHORS ON THE WEB 8356 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 125, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: PRIN/RES EFF LIT INSTR 8357 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 150, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG PHONEMIC AWARENESS 8358 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 49 0 Above class RDLA 155, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG PHONICS/SPELLING PRE K-K 8359 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 160, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG PHONICS/SPELLING GR 1-3 8360 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 165, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TEACHING VOCAB: PRE K-2 8361 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 170, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG RDG IN THE CONTENT AREAS 8362 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class RDLA 340, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: COMP FOR COOP EXP 8363 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 315, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: SEARCH/RES ON THE INTERNET 8364 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 325, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: COMM/COLLABORATE ONLINE 8365 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 330, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: PUBLISHING ON THE WEB 8366 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 335, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: EVAL/ORG INTERNET RES/CONTENT 8367 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 340, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: CAPSTONE 1 8368 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 410, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: WEBQUESTS FOR GRADES K-12 8369 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 145, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCH/LRN W/GRAPHIC ORG: INSPIR 8370 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 195, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: COMPUTERS FOR PERS PROD 8371 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 300, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: MULTIMEDIA DEV UNDERSTANDING 8372 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 305, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CLSSRM COMP AS LRN STATIONS 8373 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class TECH 310, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CRIT THINKING EL SCH GR 1-4 8374 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class SCIE 125, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: CRIT THINKING MID SCH 5-8 8375 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class SCIE 130, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: SPEC NEEDS SUCC IN MATH CLASS 8376 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 165, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: NUMBER SENSE GRADES K-5 8377 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 221, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: RATIONAL NUM, FRA, DEC, PERCNT 8378 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 246, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: UNDERSTANDING NUMBERS OPER 8379 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 250, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: SEEING MATH: LINEAR FUNCTIONS 8380 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 410, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TRANSFORMATIONS OF LIN FUNCT 8381 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 415, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: SEEING MATH: LINEAR EQUATIONS 8382 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 420, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: PROPORTIONAL REASONING 8383 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 430, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: SEEING MATH: QUAD FUNCTIONS 8384 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class MATH 435, available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: EXAMINING STUDENT WORK 8387 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK Above class for more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: USING ASSESSMENT AND EVAL 8458 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 19 0 Above class INST 325 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: IMPROVING LRNG THRU COLLABRTN 8459 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class INST 330 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: AHEAD OF THE CURVE 8460 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class MATH 126 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: TEACHING READING FLUENCY 8461 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 195 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: EFF WRITING INST (PRE K - K) 8462 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 205 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: EFF WRITING INST (1-3) 8463 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 210 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: EFF WRITING INST (4-6) 8464 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 215 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG WRTG IN THE CONTENT AREAS 8465 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 19 0 Above class RDLA 220 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email VT: TCHG WRITING IN SCIENCE 8466 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 225 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: TEACHING VOCAB: GRADES 3-5 8467 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class RDLA 177 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-3 CR) VT: HOPE FOUNDATION INSTITUTE 8469 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class for speical registration for HOPE foundation participants only. Above class email for authorization EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-2 CR) VT: ALGN LESSONS/HIGH STAKES STAND 9379 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK. Above class for more information email VT: BAKER'S DOZEN 9380 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK. Above class for more information email VT: INTL EDUC TO EDUC PROGRAM 9381 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK. Above class for more information email VT: SCHOOL VIEW 9382 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK. Above class for more information email VT: TEACHING FOR MASTERY 9383 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 50 50 0 Above class for special registration only via PDK. Above class for more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-3 CR) VT: CLOSE UP INSTITUTE FOR TCHRS 9428 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 20 20 0 Above class open via special registration. For more information, email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: CREATVE WRTG FOR EDUCATORS III 10262 PERM ARR ARR ARR Watson T 20 20 0 Above class taught via distance education Above class authorization email VT: INTRO TO GENDER AND SCHOOLING 10268 PERM ARR ARR ARR Whitmore W 20 15 0 Above class taught online via distance education. For authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: USING WEBQUESTS 10411 PERM ARR ARR ARR Puthikanon N 15 15 0 Above class taught via distance education online. For authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: TCH PHONEMIC AWARENESS PRE K-3 11026 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class RDLA 157 available via Special Registration only for PBS Teacherline. Above class for authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: TEACHING READING IN SCIENCE 11027 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class RDLA 130 available via Special Registration only for PBS Teacherline. Above class for authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: GAMES AS LEARNING TOOLS 12694 PERM ARR ARR ARR Chong N 15 11 0 Above class for authorization email Above class taught online through distance education EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) VT: TEACHING WITH JOY 12827 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class available via special registration only through CLASS Above class, for more information, please email VT: MATH IN EVERYDAY LIFE K-5 12845 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 15 0 Above class MATH 181 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information, email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (3 CR) VT: USING RDG ASSESSMNTS EFFECTVLY 31251 PERM ARR ARR ARR Wagoner D 15 13 0 TOPIC : Using Reading Assessments Effectively Above class taught online Above class authorization and further information, email VT: WORKSHOP ON AUTISM 34594 PERM ARR ARR ARR Pratt C 15 13 0 Above class available via special registration only Above class authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1 CR) 34638 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 13 0 TOPIC : Civic Mission of Schools Above class for Special Registration only Above class authorization email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (2 CR) VT: DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION 34654 PERM ARR ARR ARR McMullen M 15 14 0 Above class INST180 available via special registration only for PBS Teacherline. For more information email EDUC-W 505 PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP (1-6 CR) VT: PROF DEVELOPMENT WORKSHOP 2843 PERM ARR ARR ARR Stachowski L 100 58 0