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Course Listing: TOPICS IN ARTS ADMINISTRATIONFall 2009, Bloomington |
AADM-Y 500 TOPICS IN ARTS ADMINISTRATION (3 CR) VT: STRATEGIC MGMT AND THE ARTS 29952 02:30P-03:45P TR WH 007 Sargeant Y 50 32 0 TOPIC : Strategic Management and the Arts VT: CREATIVE INDUST & CLTR CAPITAL 27908 02:30P-03:45P TR JH A106 Minetti A 50 35 0 TOPIC : Creative Industries and Cultural Capital Above class meets with SPEA-A 450 VT: REPERTOIRE APPRAISAL-ARTS MGRS 9563 07:00P-09:30P R PV 150J Hunt C 49 38 0 TOPIC : Repertoire Appraisal for Arts Managers Above class will have three required film viewing sessions: Oct 6, Nov 3, and Dec 1, 6-9p Above class meets with SPEA-A 450