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Course Listing: THINKING AND REASONINGFall 2009, Bloomington |
PHIL-P 105 THINKING AND REASONING (3 CR) 6128 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 247 Diener D 40 5 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students 6129 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A MWF BH 319 Lee J 40 5 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students PHIL-P 105 THINKING AND REASONING (3 CR) ***** 10:10A-11:00A TR TH A201 Gonnerman C 90 6 1 Discussion (DIS) CLSD 8046 09:05A-09:55A F BH 205 Glass L 23 0 0 6131 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A F BH 205 Glass L 23 1 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students CLSD 6132 RSTR 11:15A-12:05P F BH 149 Dennedy K 22 0 1 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students 6133 RSTR 12:20P-01:10P F BH 215 Dennedy K 22 1 0 A portion of this class reserved for University Division Orientation Program students PHIL-P 105 THINKING AND REASONING (3 CR) ***** 10:10A-11:00A MW FA 102 Savion L 90 14 0 A portion of the above class reserved for Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) Discussion (DIS) 9754 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A F BH 246 Cheung K 23 2 0 A portion of the above class reserved for Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) CLSD 9755 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A F BH 146 Cheung K 23 0 0 A portion of the above class reserved for Freshman Interest Groups (FIGs) CLSD 9756 11:15A-12:05P F BH 148 Eckhardt M 22 0 0 CLSD 9757 12:20P-01:10P F BH 205 Eckhardt M 22 0 0