University Course Browser |
Course Listing: PIANO ELECT/SECONDARYFall 2009, Bloomington |
MUS-P 100 PIANO ELECT/SECONDARY (2 CR) Non-Music majors see cluster 000, Z 110 and Z 710 P 100 : For School of Music Undergrad majors, prerequisite: Either MUS-P 141 or successful completion of the keyboard proficiency exam. It is the student's responsibility to contact his/her teacher as soon as teacher assignments have been posted. If you have questions regarding proper level, please contact the secondary piano coordinator, MA 010, 855-9009, or 5362 PERM ARR ARR ARR Cartledge D 162 14 0 Gianforte M Above class open to Undergraduate Music majors only Above class will require authorization beginning the first day of the semester. Students registering before this day do not need authorization. Above class meets with MUS-P 700, Z 110 and Z 710 CLSD 5363 PERM ARR ARR ARR Gillespie L 5 0 0 Above class requires permission of instructor Above section for Jazz study only. CLSD 30427 PERM ARR ARR ARR Naoumoff E 1 0 0 CLSD 31788 PERM ARR ARR ARR Brancart E 1 0 0