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Course Listing: CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFEFall 2009, Bloomington |
EDUC-U 212 CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFE (2 CR) VT: CONVERSATIONS ON RACE 2811 02:30P-05:15P R RE 2-120A Magee B 15 5 0 Above class meets first eight weeks only Above class will meet in the CLDC (Community and Leadership Development Center) in Read Center. EDUC-U 212 CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFE (3 CR) VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM ***** 08:00A-08:50A MW JH 124 LeBlanc V 205 14 0 Carter G Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars Discussion (DIS) VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM CLSD 31042 10:10A-11:00A F ED 0101 Chowdhury F 30 0 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM CLSD 31043 10:10A-11:00A F ED 1210 Boyd K 30 0 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM CLSD 31044 10:10A-11:00A F BH 305 Rios D 30 0 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM 31045 11:15A-12:05P F ED 0101 Kuhar U 30 1 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM 31046 11:15A-12:05P F ED 1255 Aguilar M 30 1 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM 31047 11:15A-12:05P F ED 1204 Cox A 25 4 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars VT: HUDSON-HOLLAND SCHOLARS SEM 31048 01:25P-02:15P F ED 0101 Crowl G 30 7 0 Above class reserved for Hudson-Holland Scholars EDUC-U 212 CURR ISSUES IN UNDERGRAD LIFE (2 CR) VT: CONVRGNCE RACE,ETHNICITY,GENDR 34534 04:00P-06:15P M RE 2-120B Smith D 30 3 0 TOPIC : Convergence of Race, Ethnicity, and Gender: Multiple Identities in Higher Education. Above class meets second eight weeks only VT: EXAMINING EXPER INTL&AMER STDN 34535 06:00P-08:15P M GG 101B Yebei P 30 9 0 TOPIC : Examining the Experiences of International and American Students in U.S. Colleges and Universities. VT: RELIGIOUS DILEMMAS 20TH CENTRY CLSD 34536 05:30P-07:15P W MN 001A Summerlot J 30 0 0 TOPIC : Religious Dilemmas in the Twentieth Century VT: WHY AM I HERE? 34537 06:00P-08:15P W RE 2-120B Harris G 30 3 0 TOPIC : Why Am I Here? How Do I Get There? VT: PERSONAL FINANCE/BUDGETING 34538 ARR ARR ARR Hitchcock T 30 3 0 Above class taught on-line VT: STUDENT EXPRESSION RIGHTS 34595 ARR ARR ARR Slaughter C 30 1 0 Above class students must meet on Tue, October 27, from 6-8pm in Franklin Hall 106 for an initial meeting. Thereafter, students may either meet on Tuesday or take the class online. Contact instructor at for questions Above class meets second eight weeks only