Fall 2009, Bloomington

Information on this report reflects data as of the end of the day Sunday, January 24, 2010

           VT: IP V 6 & 802.11 WIRELESS NET
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              11635          11:15A-12:05P   MW     LH 025    Whitmer J                     20   14    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
                 Laboratory (LAB)
           VT: IP V 6 & 802.11 WIRELESS NET
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              *****          09:05A-09:55A   F      LH 115    Whitmer J                     20   14    0
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
        CSCI-A 290  TOOLS FOR COMPUTING (1.5 CR)
           VT: C AND UNIX BASICS
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              10448          06:00P-07:15P   TR     LH 115    McGrath D                     24    6    0
                 Above class will cover C and UNIX to prepare computer science
                 majors for CSCI-C 335 and beyond
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
           VT: CGI/PHP
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              10449          11:15A-12:30P   TR     BH 308    German D                      20    6    0
                 A 290 : Optional lab available 10:10a-12:05p, Fri, BH 108
                 Above class meets first eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
        CSCI-A 290  TOOLS FOR COMPUTING (1.5 CR)
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              11640          11:15A-12:05P   MW     LH 025    Whitmer J                     20   11    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
                 Laboratory (LAB)
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              *****          09:05A-09:55A   F      LH 115    Whitmer J                     20   10    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
        CSCI-A 290  TOOLS FOR COMPUTING (1.5 CR)
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              12417          06:30P-07:45P   MW     LH 115    Engle J                       24    5    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
           VT: C++
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              10450          06:00P-07:15P   TR     LH 115    McGrath D                     24   10    0
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590
           VT: JAVA
        A 290 : P - CSCI-C 211 or CSCI-A 201
        A 290 : Three CSCI-A 290 courses will count as an advanced elective
        course for majors
              10451          11:15A-12:30P   TR     BH 308    German D                      24    2    0
                 A 290 : Optional lab available 10:10a-12:05p, Fri, BH 108
                 Above class meets second eight weeks only
                 Above class meets with CSCI-A 590