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Course Listing: PRINC OF CHEM & BIOCHEM IIFall 2009, Bloomington |
CHEM-C 118 PRINC OF CHEM & BIOCHEM II (5 CR) ***** RSTR 02:30P-03:20P MTWF BH 109 Robinson J 120 2 16 Flood A 07:15P-09:15P T ARR Robinson J Flood A 07:15P-09:15P T ARR Robinson J Flood A 07:15P-09:15P T ARR Robinson J Flood A 07:15P-09:15P T ARR Robinson J Flood A C 118 : P - (CHEM-C 105 and C125) or (CHEM-S 105 and S125) or CHEM-C 117 or CHEM-S 117 with a grade of C- or better and the following majors: Athletic Training, Fitness, Exercise Science, BA Biology or BA Microbiology, BA Geological Sciences or BS Geological Sciences C 118 : A portion of this class is reserved for pre-physical therapy. Pre-physical therapy student call the UGO at (812) 855-2700 for permission C 118 : Tuesday evening exams required 7:15pm-9:15pm, Sep 22, Oct 13, Nov 3, and Dec 1. No alternative exam times will be considered ++No alternative Final Exam options will be considered ++Consult Final Examination Schedule to avoid conflicts C 118 : Further laboratory safey information see: HTTP://WWW.CHEM.INDIANA.EDU/UGRAD/LABSAFETY.ASP Above class requires special fee - See fee page Discussion (DIS) CLSD ***** RSTR 01:25P-02:15P M BH 319 Hamilton I 40 0 7 CLSD ***** RSTR 03:35P-04:25P M BH 003 Hamilton I 40 0 9 CLSD ***** RSTR 08:00A-08:50A T BH 245 Hamilton I 40 0 5 Laboratory (LAB) CLSD 9930 RSTR 04:00P-07:00P W CH 027 Gamoke B 24 0 3 A portion of this class is reserved for pre-physical therapy. Call the undergrad office for permission (812) 855-2700. CLSD 10841 RSTR 08:00A-11:00A R CH 027 Gamoke B 24 0 3 CLSD 9932 RSTR 11:15A-02:15P R CH 027 He K 24 0 4 A portion of this classs is reserved for pre-physical therapay. Call the undergrad office for permission (812) 855-2700. CLSD 6942 RSTR 02:30P-05:30P R CH 027 Leslie K 24 0 4 A portion of this classs is reserved for pre-physical therapay. Call the undergrad office for permission (812) 855-2700. CLSD 9931 RSTR 11:15A-02:15P F CH 027 Leslie K 24 0 5 A portion of this classs is reserved for pre-physical therapay. Call the undergrad office for permission (812) 855-2700.