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Course Listing: CELL BIOLOGY LABORATORYFall 2009, Bloomington |
BIOL-L 313 CELL BIOLOGY LABORATORY (3 CR) CLSD ***** 12:20P-01:10P F JH 239 Surzycki J 65 0 5 L 313 : P - BIOL-L 113 and L 211 or CHEM-C 342 or consent of instructor; Recommended - BIOL-L 312, CHEM-C 484. L 313 : Corequisite - one of the following discussions/labs. Discussion sections will meet after first lab. Labs may occasionally run past scheduled time. Above class requires special fee - See fee page Discussion (DIS) CLSD 1201 05:00P-06:00P M JH A106 Surzycki J 17 0 2 01:25P-04:40P W JH A402 CLSD 1202 05:00P-06:00P T JH 440 Surzycki J 16 0 3 01:25P-04:40P R JH A402 CLSD 1203 01:25P-04:40P M JH A402 16 0 0 05:00P-06:00P W JH 248 Surzycki J CLSD 1204 01:25P-04:40P T JH A402 16 0 1 05:00P-06:00P R JH 440 Surzycki J