Course Listing: TOPICS IN LIBR & INFO SCIENCESpring 2009, Bloomington |
SLIS-S 604 TOPICS IN LIBR & INFO SCIENCE (3 CR) VT: ORAL HISTORY 11928 PERM 05:00P-08:00P M TV 180 Bantin P 20 11 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class will be taught via Virtual Indiana Classroom (VIC) Above class requires permission of instructor VT: PUB PRGRMG FOR HIST ORGS/ARCHV 11929 PERM 05:00P-08:00P R LI 305G Bantin P 12 2 0 TOPIC : Public Program for Historical Organizations and Archives Above class open to graduates only Above class will be taught via Virtual Indiana classroom Above class requires permission of instructor VT: ELECTRNC DESCRPT-ARCHIVAL MAT 12059 PERM 05:00P-08:00P T LI 305G Bantin P 12 6 0 TOPIC : Electronic Description of Archival Materials S 604 : P - SLIS-S 511, S 652 or consent of instructor Above class taught via Virtual Indiana Classroom (VIC) Above class requires permission of instructor