Course Listing: SEMINAR IN MUSICOLOGYSpring 2009, Bloomington |
MUS-M 602 SEMINAR IN MUSICOLOGY (3 CR) VT: DON GIOVANNI 9225 RSTR 12:10P-03:00P W M 263 Melamed D 12 6 0 If the above class is full, students may join a School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request M 602 : For advanced students in Musicology and Music Theory. Formal reserach paper required. May be taken more than once for credit toward Ph.D. 9226 RSTR 12:30P-03:20P M M 263 Muxfeldt K 12 6 0 If the above class is full, students may join a School of Music Waitlist by sending an email to Students must include the course and specific class numbers when making this request M 602 : For advanced students in Musicology and Music Theory. Formal research paper required. May be taken more than once for credit toward Ph.D.