Course Listing: EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITYSpring 2009, Bloomington |
HPER-E 100 EXPRNCE IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (1 CR) VT: ADVANCED T'AI CHI CH'UAN 7916 03:35P-04:25P MW HP 163 Pearce C 20 16 0 VT: TECHNIQUE OF STRESS REDUCTION 7918 04:40P-05:30P MW WH 002 LeBeau D 40 8 0 TOPIC : Techniques of Stress Reduction: Meditation and Physical Activity VT: TECHNIQUE OF STRESS REDUCTION 7919 05:45P-06:35P TR WH 005 LeBeau D 40 30 0 TOPIC : Techniques of Stress Reduction: Meditation and Physical Activity VT: TECHNIQUE OF STRESS REDUCTION 7921 04:40P-05:30P TR WH 005 LeBeau D 40 28 0 TOPIC : Techniques of Stress Reduction: Meditation and Physical Activity VT: INTERMEDIATE WEIGHT TRAINING 7922 10:10A-11:00A TR MG 092 Basgier M 25 3 0 VT: BODY CONDITIONING FOR DANCERS 11340 PERM 01:25P-02:15P MW MG 092 Britton R 20 9 0 TOPIC : Body Conditioning for Dancers Above class requires permission of instructor VT: INTRO TO SPARRING 7923 03:35P-04:25P TR HP 169 Hackney J 40 35 0 VT: POLICE DEFENSE TACTICS 7925 PERM 03:10P-04:50P F MG 293 Rhodes D 30 18 0 Above class meets in the Fort of MG 293 Above class students must be an IUPD cadet Above class requires permission of instructor VT: CAPOEIRA ANGOLA 11346 03:15P-05:00P F HP 171 Santos I 30 17 0 VT: PILATES CLSD 13684 10:10A-11:00A MW HP 169 Windell S 35 0 3 VT: PILATES 13685 09:05A-10:25A F HP 169 Windell S 35 4 0 VT: INTERMEDIATE CAPOEIRA ANGOLA 15658 01:25P-02:55P F MG 293 Santos I 30 25 0 Above class meets at MG293 Court 2 VT: PRE-YOGA 16045 02:30P-03:20P MW HP 171 Gleckler W 20 1 1