Course Listing: BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMSSpring 2009, Bloomington |
BIOL-L 112 BIOLOGICAL MECHANISMS (3 CR) 5205 10:10A-11:00A MWF JH 124 Ybe J 95 23 0 Above class open to all students Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 5206 10:10A-11:00A MWF JH 124 Ybe J 177 45 1 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry. For biological and other science majors. Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, 104, 112, E 112, S 115 or Q 201. Preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores only. In addition, students are required to attend a one hour per week learning group (times to be arranged). Above class requires evening exams from 7-9pm on Mondays, Feb 2, Mar 2, and Apr 6. Above class examination dates and times cannot be changed. Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 5207 11:15A-12:30P TR JH 124 Odle Y 75 6 1 Above class open to all students Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112 5208 11:15A-12:30P TR JH 124 Odle Y 235 15 1 L 112 : P - High school or college chemistry. For biological and other science majors. Credit given for only one of the following: BIOL-L 100, 104, 112, E 112, S 115 or Q 201. Preference will be given to freshmen and sophomores only. In addition, students are required to attend a one hour per week learning group (times to be arranged). Above class meets with another section of BIOL-L 112