Course Listing: RECREATION ACT/LDR METHODSSpring 2009, Bloomington |
HPER-R 272 RECREATION ACT/LDR METHODS (3 CR) ***** 09:05A-09:55A MW WH 121 Lewis S 55 10 0 Laboratory (LAB) 13710 09:05A-09:55A F HP 163 Lewis S 55 3 0 HPER-R 272 RECREATION ACT/LDR METHODS (3 CR) ***** 10:10A-11:00A MW WH 120 Lewis S 55 4 1 Laboratory (LAB) 13711 10:00A-11:00A F HP 163 Lewis S 55 2 0 HPER-R 272 RECREATION ACT/LDR METHODS (3 CR) 29409 PERM ARR ARR ARR Ewert A 18 4 0 R 272 : Core program includes the following cluster of corequisite courses that will be taken together in one block. R 272 : Authorization to register for these courses must be obtained in advance from the Department of Recreation, Parks and Tourism Studies Chairperson, HP133. Additional $1800 fee required. Students must enroll in one of the following schedules: Undergraduate Schedule: R 272 : Corequisite - HPER-R 380, R 370, R 385, and R 413 (same cluster)