Course Listing: GENDER, CULTURE, AND SOCIETYSpring 2009, Bloomington |
GNDR-G 101 GENDER, CULTURE, AND SOCIETY (3 CR) 14553 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A MWF BH 232 Hill B 26 3 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students 7629 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 134 Johnson C 20 5 0 Above class open to Hutton Honors College students only Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit CLSD 7630 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 016 Harrison L 25 0 0 A portion of the above class is reserved for first and second year students Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit 14554 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A MWF SY 137 Harrison L 25 4 3 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students CLSD 14555 RSTR 11:15A-12:05P MWF BH 139 Hill B 26 0 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students CLSD 14556 RSTR 12:20P-01:10P MWF SE 245 Thomas-Williams C 25 0 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students 14557 RSTR 01:25P-02:15P MWF SB 138 Thomas-Williams C 25 1 1 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students 14558 RSTR 11:15A-12:05P MWF SY 137 Shand A 25 1 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students CLSD 14559 RSTR 10:10A-11:00A MWF BH 015 Shand A 25 0 1 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students 26340 RSTR 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 232 Wall J 25 1 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students 26341 RSTR 08:00A-08:50A MWF SY 0006 Wall J 25 2 0 Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit A portion of the above class reserved for first and second year students