Course Listing: SPEC TOPICS IN COMPARATIVE LITSpring 2009, Bloomington |
CMLT-C 301 SPEC TOPICS IN COMPARATIVE LIT (3 CR) VT: MEDIEVAL DEVOTNL LIT OF INDIA 28683 01:00P-02:15P TR BH 345 Manring R 5 3 0 Above class carries Culture Studies credit Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class meets with INST-I 371, INST-I 571 and REL-R 352 VT: COSMOPOLITANS AND REFUGEES 30176 02:30P-05:00P MW BH 242 Adesokan A 20 3 0 Above class carries Culture Studies credit Above class carries COLL A & H distribution credit Above class meets second eight weeks only