Course Listing: PHYSICAL CHEM OF MOLECULESSpring 2009, Bloomington |
CHEM-C 362 PHYSICAL CHEM OF MOLECULES (3 CR) ***** 11:15A-12:05P MWF CH 001 Parmenter C 40 19 0 Prerequisite for CHEM-C 362 - (CHEM-C 117 or CHEM-S 117 or (CHEM-C 105 and CHEM-C 125)) and (MATH-M 212 or MATH-M 216 or MATH-M 213) and (PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222), each with a grade of C- or better. R : N 330 strongly recommended C 362 : Credit given for only one of C 362, S 362 or C 360 Discussion (DIS) 5872 11:15A-12:05P T SY 001 Judd Jr O 40 16 0 Prerequisite for CHEM-C 362 - (CHEM-C 117 or CHEM-S 117 or (CHEM-C 105 and CHEM-C 125)) and (MATH-M 212 or MATH-M 216 or MATH-M 213) and (PHYS-P 202 or PHYS-P 222), each with a grade of C- or better