Course Listing: SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN STSpring 2009, Bloomington |
CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: LANGUAGE&SOCIETY- MIDDLE EAST 29992 02:00P-05:00P M BH 117 Harding C 8 3 0 02:00P-05:00P M BH 115 Harding C 02:00P-05:00P M BH 115 Harding C TOPIC : Language and Society in the Middle East Above class meets with CEUS-U 320, NELC-N 305, and NELC-N 695 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: HIST, CULT & CIV IN XINJIANG 11068 01:00P-03:30P W GY 407 Bovingdon G 10 4 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 VT: MONGOLIA'S MIDDLE AGES 15253 02:30P-03:45P TR WH 116 Atwood C 15 11 0 Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 VT: BILINGUALISM - FINNISH EXAMPLE 15595 05:00P-07:30P T BH 321 Paivio P 10 5 0 TOPIC : Bilingualism - The Finnish Example Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 VT: CHINESE SOURCES ON CEN EURASIA 25658 02:30P-04:15P MWF BH 011 Beckwith C 8 6 0 TOPIC : Chinese Sources on Central Eurasia U 520 : P - One semester of classical Chinese or equivalent Above class meets first seven weeks only Above class meets Jan 12 - Feb 28. Final exam will be given in last week of class. Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 VT: OTTOMAN HISTORY II 25663 02:30P-03:45P TR WH 112 Cipa H 11 6 0 Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 and NELC-N 303 and NELC-N 695 VT: ROMA (GYPSY) HISTORY & CULTURE 25681 02:30P-03:45P TR PY 115 Hooker L 27 4 0 TOPIC : Roma (Gypsy) History and Culture Above class meets with CEUS-U 320, FOLK-F 312 and F 635 VT: RUSSO-CHINA REL NERCHNSK-1911 25683 02:30P-03:45P MW GB 333 Lazzerini E 15 11 0 TOPIC : Russo-Chinese Relations from the Treaty of Nerchinsk to 1911 Above class meets with HIST-T 500 VT: TRAVELERS/EXPLORERS IN C. ASIA 25684 01:00P-02:15P TR WH 205 Sela R 15 4 0 TOPIC : Travelers and Explorers in Central Asia Above class meets with HIST-T 500 VT: CULT HIST OTTOMAN EMP/MOD TURK 28707 07:00P-08:15P TR BH 138 Silay K 10 3 0 TOPIC : Cultural History of the Ottoman Empire and Modern Turkey Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 VT: INTRO TO ANCIENT NEAR EAST 28703 01:00P-02:15P MW BH 015 Choksy J 30 13 0 TOPIC : Intro to Ancient Near East Above class meets with CEUS-U 254 VT: RELIGION/POWER ISLAMIC C ASIA 28848 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 429 Deweese D 16 9 0 TOPIC : Religion and Power in Islamic Central Asia U 520 : Credit given for only one CEUS-U 498 or CEUS-U 520 with this variable title Above class meets with CEUS-U 498 VT: LANG POL/PROBS IN POST-SOV RGN 29089 04:00P-06:45P T BH 015 Fierman W 10 2 0 TOPIC : Language Politics and Problems in Post-Soviet Region Above class contact instructor before enrolling, Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with POLS-Y 657 VT: MODERN MONGOLIA 29300 04:00P-06:30P TR SY 108 Newyear T 20 7 0 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with CEUS-U 469 TOPIC : Modern Mongolia VT: TIBET AND THE WEST 29083 11:15A-12:30P TR BH 018 Sperling E 19 10 0 TOPIC : Tibet and the West Above class meets with CEUS-U 489 VT: SOCIALISM IN HUNGARY 1945-1990 30225 12:00P-02:30P TR GB 238 Fulemile A 10 2 0 TOPIC : Socialism in Hungary - State, Society and Everyday Life 1945-1990 Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with HIST-T 500 VT: IDENTITY POLS/CHINA-INNER ASIA 29138 04:00P-05:15P TR SY 0008 Bovingdon G 22 9 0 TOPIC : The Politics of Identity in China and Inner Asia Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 and POLS-Y 657 VT: BUDDHISM IN CENTRAL ASIA 29272 03:00P-05:30P TR SY 103 Beckwith C 25 22 0 Above class meets first seven weeks only Above class meets Jan 12 - Feb 28. Final exam will be given in the last week of class. VT: READINGS-TIBETAN BUDDHIST TEXT 29606 ARR ARR GB 337 Tenzin L 5 2 0 TOPIC : Readings in Tibetan Buddhist Texts VT: INTRO TO HUNGARIAN STUDIES 30184 02:30P-05:00P MW SW 218 Hooker L 15 3 0 TOPIC : Introduction to Hungarian Studies Above class meets second eight weeks only Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: ADVANCED KAZAKH II 11213 09:05A-09:55A MWF BU 427 Moldashova F 6 4 0 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: INTRODUCTORY PASHTO II 14483 10:10A-11:00A D EG 717 Inomkhojayev R 10 10 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class taught simultaneously in person and via interactive TV. Enrollment in this section is limited to IU students. Above class meets with CEUS-U 299 VT: INTERMEDIATE PASHTO II 14485 ARR ARR ARR Inomkhojayev R 10 8 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class taught via interactive TV. Enrollment in this class is limited to IU students. Above class meets with CEUS-U 299 VT: ADVANCED PASHTO II 27161 ARR ARR ARR Arman R 5 3 0 TOPIC : Advanced Pashto II Above class will be taught in EIG717 Above class is taught simultaneously in person and via interactive TV. Enrollment in this class is limited to IU students only. Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CEUS-U 320 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: INTERMEDIATE PERSIAN II 5760 11:15A-12:05P MWF BH 235 Daneshgar S 16 4 0 U 520 : P - Intermediate Persian I or permission of department Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CEUS-U 278 VT: INTRODUCTORY PERSIAN II 5761 PERM 10:10A-11:00A D BH 235 Daneshgar S 18 4 0 U 520 : P - Intro Persian I or permission of department Obtain on-line auth for above class from Department Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CEUS-U 178 VT: ADVANCED PERSIAN II 11074 09:05A-09:55A MWF BH 335 Losensky P 10 3 0 U 520 : P - Intermediate Persian or equivalent CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: ADVANCED UYGHUR II 12013 09:05A-09:55A MWF HU 111 Nazarova G 6 4 0 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: INTRO TO BURYAT 25682 ARR ARR ARR Kara G 4 3 0 Above class meets in GB142 CEUS-U 520 SEL TOPICS CENTRAL EURASIAN ST (3 CR) VT: INTRODUCTORY PASHTO II 14484 10:10A-11:00A D HD TBA Inomkhojayev R 10 10 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class taught via interactive TV. Enrollment in this class is limited to non-IU students at participating universities. IU students should enroll in CEUS-U 520, class number 14483. Above class meets with CEUS-U 299 VT: INTERMEDIATE PASHTO II 14486 ARR ARR ARR Inomkhojayev R 10 8 0 Above class open to graduates only Above class taught via interactive TV. Enrollment in this class is limited to non-IU students at participating universities. IU students should enroll in CEUS-U 520, class number 14485. Above class meets with CEUS-U 299 Above class meets in Eigenmann Hall Room 717 VT: ADVANCED PASHTO II 27162 ARR ARR ARR Arman R 5 3 0 TOPIC : Advanced Pashto II Above class is taught simultaneously in person and via interactive TV. Enrollment in this class is limited to non-IU students at participating universities. Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CEUS-U 320