Course Listing: BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONSSpring 2009, Bloomington |
BUS-X 204 BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS (3 CR) 11380 08:00A-09:15A MW BU 327 Easton A 28 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28850 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 325 McKowen D 28 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28851 08:00A-09:15A MW BU 325 Steiner-Williams J 28 7 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5641 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 325 Steiner-Williams J 28 2 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5642 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 108 Meunier J 27 1 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5643 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 327 Easton A 28 5 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5652 09:30A-10:45A MW BU 421 McKowen D 28 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5644 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 108 Meunier J 27 0 3 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5645 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 325 Steiner-Williams J 28 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5646 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 205 Kelmer M 27 0 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5655 11:15A-12:30P MW BU 421 McKowen D 28 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5647 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 325 Steiner-Williams J 28 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5665 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 421 McKowen D 28 0 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5640 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 327 Easton A 28 1 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5648 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 205 Kelmer M 27 2 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5649 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 411 Burks A 28 2 7 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5659 01:00P-02:15P MW BU 108 Meunier J 27 2 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5650 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 205 Kelmer M 27 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28975 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 404 Easton A 28 2 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5663 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 411 Burks A 28 1 11 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28852 02:30P-03:45P MW BU 108 Meunier J 27 1 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28853 04:00P-05:15P MW BU 205 Kelmer M 27 3 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5666 04:00P-05:15P MW BU 411 Burks A 28 0 12 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28855 08:00A-09:15A TR BU 404 Heidewald J 28 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28976 08:00A-09:15A TR BU 205 Morrone M 27 6 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28856 08:00A-09:15A TR BU 421 Neher D 28 6 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5653 09:30A-10:45A TR BU 404 Heidewald J 28 1 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5667 09:30A-10:45A TR BU 203 Goddin J 28 3 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5656 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 205 Morrone M 27 1 3 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5657 11:15A-12:30P TR BU 304 Ryan K 28 1 3 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5654 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 304 Ryan K 28 1 3 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class CLSD 5658 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 205 Morrone M 27 0 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5660 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 404 Heidewald J 28 2 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5662 01:00P-02:15P TR BU 327 Solomon J 28 8 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5651 02:30P-03:45P TR BU 205 Morrone M 27 1 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5661 02:30P-03:45P TR BU 304 Ryan K 28 2 4 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5664 02:30P-03:45P TR BU 327 Solomon J 28 6 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 5668 04:00P-05:15P TR BU 327 Solomon J 28 4 0 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28857 04:00P-05:15P TR BU 306 Goddin J 28 1 1 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class 28858 07:00P-08:15P TR BU 209 Schultz B 28 5 2 X 204 : P - ENG-W 131 or equivalent must be completed with a minimum grade of C X 204 : Attendance is required the first week of class