Course Listing: HUMAN PARASITOLOGYSpring 2009, Bloomington |
BIOL-M 375 HUMAN PARASITOLOGY (4 CR) ***** PERM 02:30P-03:20P MW JH A105 Mower R 31 2 0 04:30P-05:20P R JH A105 M 375 : P - BIOL-L 111 and 112 Above class open to majors, junior and senior class standing only Above class requires special fee - See fee page Obtain online authorization for above class from the undergraduate advising office Above class meets with BIOL-M 575 Laboratory (LAB) 5252 01:25P-04:25P F JH 451 Mower R 31 2 0 Above class meets with BIOL-M 575