Course Listing: SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIESSpring 2009, Bloomington |
AMST-G 751 SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES (3 CR) 29683 04:00P-06:45P T ED 1230 Coronel-Molina S 16 3 0 TOPIC : Research in Language Policy and Planning in Education from Local, National, and International Perspectives Above class counts toward NAIS Phd Minor Above class meets with EDUC-L 630 AMST-G 751 SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES (4 CR) CLSD 11596 09:30A-12:00P W C2 272 Pezzullo P 2 0 0 TOPIC : The Rhetorics of Transgression and Resistance Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CMCL-C 688 and CULS-C 701 CLSD 11010 RSTR 12:20P-03:20P W BH 137 Herring T 2 0 0 TOPIC : Regional Sexualities Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with ENG-L 779 and CULS-C 701 26575 02:30P-03:45P TR HD TBA Irmscher C 2 1 0 TOPIC : Ecocriticism Above class open to graduates only Above class meets in CAHI Conference Room Above class meets with ENG-L 780 CLSD 14612 01:00P-03:30P W C2 272 Waller G 2 0 0 TOPIC : Genres, Cycles, Series, and Serials in American Cinema Above class open to graduates only Above class meets with CMCL-C 793 AMST-G 751 SEMINAR IN AMERICAN STUDIES (3 CR) CLSD 30002 PERM 09:30A-11:45A F SB 050 Stoeltje B 1 0 0 TOPIC : Ritual, Festival and Public Culture Above class meets in the Archaeology Annex, 701 E. 8th St Above class requires permission of Department Above class meets with ANTH-E 678 and FOLK-F 535