University Course Browser |
Course Listing: VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGYSpring 2005, Bloomington |
Select another BIOL course | Select another department BIOL-Z 406 VERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY (5 CR) 1416 11:15A-12:30P TR JH A106 Cotten C 48 9 0 Z 406 : P - BIOL-L 111 AND 112, UPPERCLASS STANDING, OR CONSENT OF INSTRUCTOR ABOVE SECTION REQUIRES SPECIAL FEE - SEE FEE PAGE Laboratory (LAB) 1417 01:00P-05:00P T JH 129 Cotten C 24 2 0 1418 01:00P-05:00P W JH 129 Cotten C 24 7 0
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