University Course Browser |
Course Listing: FITNESS TESTING & INTERPRETATNFall Term 2004-05, Bloomington |
Select another HPER course | Select another department HPER-P 419 FITNESS TESTING & INTERPRETATN (3 CR) CLSD ***** 10:10A-11:00A MW HP 012 Miller M 36 0 0 P 419 : P - HPER P 216; PERMISSION OF INSTRUCTOR FOR NON-HPER MAJORS; RECOMMENDED - HPER-P 205 AND PHSL-P 215. P 419 : STUDENTS MUST REGISTER FOR LABORATORY SECTION Laboratory (LAB) 26338 08:00A-09:55A F HP 070 Miller M 18 2 0 CLSD 26348 10:10A-12:05P F HP 070 Miller M 18 0 1
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